Relatively inoffensive, I would say; a lot better than the current run of JW-centric topics with zero appeal to the general public.
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
Woops, forgot about the "Special Talk"
by watson inactually forgot about it.
could someone post a link to the thread with the outline?
just in case my mother asks...
The CO 'encourages' Julia to meet with THREE elders- the latest episode in the best-selling drama, The Fade of Julia Orwell.
by Julia Orwell init was yesterday morning and hubby and i were having a huge sleep in.
it was just after ten, and with me being a bit flu-ey i was quite capable of staying in bed longer.
hubby was feeling it too, and we were pleasantly drifting in and out to the sounds of birds.. then suddenly, cloomp, cloomp, cloomp up the front stairs, then "rap-rap-rap" on the front screen door, that rapid-fire, strong knock of the practiced door-knocker.
Room 215
Never ceases to amaze me that people as far away from Brooklyn/Patterson NY as one can get -- Aussies in this case -- to dance to their tune!
by The Searcher injesus always used illustrations to help people reason on the import of what he was saying.
here is an illustration followed by a reality;.
imagine that your heart went out to all those poor people who suffered when fukushima blew up, so much so, that when an internationally renowned charity asked for donations to help those in need, you donated $5000 to the cause.
Room 215
" Second, all the labor and materials were donated." Understood that JWs would do the work on a volunteer basis; are you saying that ALL the materials for the reconstruction of these properties was donated?
Challenge for JW's - how do you arrive at 1919 using the Bible alone?
by yadda yadda 2 inany takers?
jw apologists or anyone, convince us why you are sure that jesus appointed the watchtower society in 1919 using the bible alone.
Room 215
Four words (three if you count one word used twice)... You don't; you can't...
New light Watchtower magazine leaked from organization weeks ahead of general release
by cedars in
if doctrinal explanations are missing from the article, it is because they are also missing from the magazine.. i would like to give my thanks again to my source for supplying me with the magazine article weeks ahead of its scheduled release.
it showed remarkable courage, because risks were taken.
Room 215
Ah, Food at the "Proper Time" .... April Fool's Day!
May 2013 Awake suggests screaming to thwart sexual assault
by ParadiseCircus inthey just can't let it go.... .
they also provide this tip to avoid being raped: "react quickly.
Room 215
The only chance screaming has of being effective is if the victim is within earshot of others, NOT in the "abandoned field" they describe...
Notes from 2013 Memorial talk: Appreciate What Christ Has Done for You
by WinstonSmith intook one for the team tonight, and went along to the memorial.
my first time in a kingdom hall for just over a month.
it was as expected, dry, boring and extremely uninteresting.
Room 215
Basically, it's nothing more than their annual "Don't Dare Partake" fest, where the dubbies all get dolled up in their faux-Easter outfits to pass the plates -- and gawk at anyone who does.
At last year's local memorial service, purported to honor Jesus' sacrificial death and its signficance to the eternal prospects of humanity, the visiting speaker from Bethel quite managed to talk for almost an hour without one recourse to the word "resurrection".. a remarkable achievement, given its centrality in the belief system of nominal Christianity.
Nor were the stirring moments of high drama in the Bible's depicting of Jesus last hours on earth-- his last supper and his prayer for the well-being of his disciples, the betrayal of Judas, the agony of the garden; his disciples' succumbing to sleep; his betrayal and arrest in the Garden of Gethesemane; the scattering of his fear-gripped disciples; Peter's denial, and the climactic soul-stirring awareness of the signficance of the empty tomb and its guardian's chilling pronouncement to Mary Magdalene and the women "why are you searching for the living among the dead?"... and so on, to his post-resurrection appearance at Emmaus, etc.
All of this was swept aside in favor of convincing those in attendance that they had no business in partaking of the emblematic bread and wine.
Honesty in The "Wicked World": What Can One Expect? .. Here's A Look
by Room 215 in
i don't think this will be showing up at any of the awake!
"watching the world" segments.
Room 215
I don't think this will be showing up at any of the AwaKe!"Watching The World" segments
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-24-2013 WT Study (REGRETS)
by blondie inserve god without regrets?.
who said: i do repent [feel regret,.
(b) in what sense has jehovah felt regret,.
Room 215
The regrets which worry the WT leaders the most, and the ones which are most prevalent amongst long time JWs -- are exactly those which Billy the Bethelite articulates. Regret over having wasted a lifetime chasing a delusion is the "900-pound gorilla" in the room that the WT tiptoes around but refuses to confront forthrightly.
Nice work, Blondie.
Elder Calls To Invite Us To October Annual Meeting -- What's Up With That?
by Room 215 inmy wife fielded a call from a local elder inviting us to attend the annual meeting this october... i declined, of course.
is it held in pittsburgh with tie-ins to local assembly halls?
i can't believe there would otherwise be room for little piss-ons like us.
Room 215
My wife fielded a call from a local elder inviting us to attend the Annual Meeting this October... I declined, of course. What's up with that? Is it held in Pittsburgh with tie-ins to local Assembly Halls? I can't believe there would otherwise be room for little piss-ons like us. Of course, the evening turned sour once I told her "no way" would I attend.
Does any of you know what's going on with this?